Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I am learning to edit my work.


Abbie said, " I have to remember to put in the full stops and I can do good capital letters now. Most of the time I can."

Monday, September 11, 2017

I am learning my teen numbers

I am learning to count and write numerals to 20.  I am learning to say the number before and after. I am also learning to write the teen numbers correctly.

" I can count up to 20 and I know what the numbers are."  said Abbie

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I am learning to sound out 3 letter words.

I am learning to say the first, middle and last sound in a word and then blend the sounds together to write the word.  This can help me in my reading and my writing.

"I can sound out 3 letter words if I am stuck with a word.  I can robot the word too." said Abbie